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Doing What You Love...

I was sitting in Starbucks awhile back working on this blog, making contacts with people, planning the rest of my day and just enjoying what God was doing in my life. We had just launched a new small group, Success iN Life (SNL). It was designed to help people find true, Biblical success in their lives. We talked about what true success looked like. We had a white board out and people gave words to define success. We had money, security, "Mother Theresa", but my favorite was from a gentleman who said, “Success for me is Happiness.” Wow what a statement. I believe that true success is seen in that simple word that most of us find hard to find - happiness.

The true test of success in life is whether or not you are truly happy where you are. The Bible says, "the joy of the Lord is our strength". The word joy denotes happiness. I have heard many people preach that joy and happiness are two different things, I don't thank so. I think that when you are fulfilling God's purpose for your life, AND you can truly say I am happy - right now, where I am! That is truly freeing.

Now, don't get me wrong, “in this world you will have trouble, BUT BE OF GOOD CHEER, He has overcome the world.” In other words, you can be happy even in the middle of trouble, if you know you are living the life God has purposed for you.

I believe that every person has been given the gifts and talents necessary to fulfill the purpose you have been assigned to achieve. Like Esther in the Old Testament, you are here for such a time as this. While I do not believe in total predestination, as in the Reformed Calvinist tradition, I do believe that God has a purpose, and yes, even a destiny for your life. The key is unlocking that destiny and your potential to be all you were created to be.

So, how do I do that, how do I "get happy"? Well it starts with a relationship with your maker. You have to have an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ to be able to have him share your propose with you. Then you have to learn to hear his voice, this comes from reading his word and spending time listening in prayer to the Spirit speaking to you.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to determine your purpose, and begin to take the steps necessary to achieve that purpose. Maybe that means going back to school, or getting your finances in shape, of making that very important decision to become a follower of the Christ. Wherever you are today, throw caution to the wind, put up your sails and see where the Spirit blows your life today!

Until next time...


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