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A Second American Revolution

I am writing this monologue because I believe we are coming very quickly to a slippery slope that will hurl us toward a third world war.  This war, though, is not going to be one with defined battle lines and enemies dressed in clearly distinguished uniforms.  The enemy in this war will look just like everyone else.  They will be in our schools, on our jobs, and even in our churches and places of worship.

Let me begin by saying I am thankful for our religious freedoms.  I feel that what makes America great is the fact that Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and Atheists can all live together in peace.  The diversity of our country is the source of our strength.

With that said, we are not dealing with a religious issue, we are dealing with an ideology, a social and economical viewpoint that is the same as Nazi Germany in World War II, as well as every other regime that was ever sought world domination.  I am speaking of “Islamic Extremists”.  Those who have used the guise of religion to cloak their true intention of complete submission.

Now, let me say, in the spirit of fairness, Christianity has not been blameless throughout history.  The Crusades alone have lowered our moral high-ground on the topic of religious war.  However, any war launched in the name of a religion violates the very essence of the tenants of anyone who claims to believe in God.

But in recent years we have lost our excuse of ignorance.  With the newest “brand” of terrorism, under the camouflage of Muslim and Islamic extremism and Sharia Law, ISIS has made their intentions very clear.  From the raiding of defenseless villages throughout Iraq, Pakastan, and Afghanistan, to the beheading of American journalists, to the most recent capture and eminent death of two Japanese citizens, they have made their intentions crystal clear.  They have even released the statement that their goal is to fly a black ISIS flag over the White House.

So my questions is, what will we do, as American citizens, to keep this wake of “submit or die” ideology from making it to our shores?  We have an Administration in the White House that lives in a constant state of denial that we are facing such a threat.  In the wake of the State of the Union, in which he declared a rose colored description of the economy and foreign relations, from Putin to ISIL (because he refuses to call it the Islamic State, which they call themselves).  All this while trampling the Constitution and using the IRS, as well as other federal agencies, as a primary tool for harassment and control of US citizens.

ISIS is a group of people who most law-abiding people, Muslims, Jews, and Christians alike, have denounced.  These are people who are not interested in your civil liberties, your right to assemble, or free speech.  They want to destroy anything that stands in the way of their agenda.

We are letting them run roughshod around the world, and even establish strongholds within the borders of this great nation.  If this were a Christian group we would have already denounced them as a cult.  We would have labeled them as “Ruby Ridge” or “Jim Jones” and the ATF would have, and rightfully so, gone in and put a stop to it.  Yet, in our world of political correctness, everyone is afraid to speak out against this threat and call it what it is.  Again, these aggressors are not acting under the true intention of religious freedom or the color of law.  Their intention is to force their religion on everyone.

So, my question, again, is, as a government, as citizens of the United States of America, what are we to do to guarantee the continuation of freedom and liberty that we enjoy for the next generation?  I am calling for a Second American Revolution.  But do not be deceived, this will not be a revolution with guns and war, but a revolution of truth, of honesty, and of reality.

Every year we celebrate the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King.  He showed us the way to bring about true liberty and equality, not through violence, as ISIS and these extremists propose, but through love and tolerance.  Dr. King said, “The time is always right to do what is right.”  He went on to say, “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”  He proposed that freedom denied to any person is freedom denied to all.  He brought this entire message home when he said, “I believe the unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality.”

When faced with a similar fight in South Africa, Nelson Mandela said, “To be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”  He hit the nail on the head in regard to this spread of hate that we are seeing today when he said, “No one is born hating another person… because of his background, or his religion.  People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”

Mahatma Gandhi said, “A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave.”  These extremists are the epitome of cowardice.  They promote and teach hate, they are afraid of loosing control and therefore they cannot see or accept any other ideology or view. 

Gandhi’s call to action should become our mantra when he said, “We must be the change we want to see in the world.”  It is time for a revolution.  A revolution that does not fall for the political correct lies that have been spoon-fed to us by the media and the current administration.  A revolution that cries out for the truth in all things.  Jesus said in the Bible, in John Chapter 8, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” 

So our call to action is for us to live, to vote, and to govern according to the truth, in response to our freedom, and not allow anyone to take that freedom from us.


  1. Excellent thoughts!
    First, the most mind-boggling thing to me is the Liberal's love of Islam. It is contrary to everything they embrace - individual rights, women's freedom and LGBQT rights. The Liberals have definitely adopted a false understanding of the danger of Islam in general, and the Islamic State in particular.
    Second, to see what the ultimate outcome of an Islamic nation living under Sharia law looks like you can turn to Saudi Arabia. Women do not even have the right to drive in that country. They employ several executioners (and even had to make a call for more at the end of 2014) that mete out Islamic justice in the most brutal ways from cutting off appendages to public beheadings.
    Islam worries me because of it's stance on Jesus. They admit he lived but that he was only a prophet. They deny he was the divine Son of God and that he died on the cross for the sins of mankind. In 1 John the Apostle John calls people like this "anti-christs." The Anti-Christ himself may not be a Muslim when he comes, but the Islamic system of faith is rife with the spirit of the anti-Christ.


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