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End Game - The Book of Revelation

Here’s my thought process for this post today, I want to hear someone say/speak/preach something - meaningful. I have been getting calloused with the same messages.

Can we please talk about the real stuff, I personally don't want another message about how to get along with my family in quarantine again. Are your kids really that bad that you need another one??? Not making light if they are.  I will be praying for you.  Is your spouse so bad that you need a preacher to keep you married right now? Again, if he is then you might need a marriage counselor not another message. Just saying…

I want the big questions answered: 
What is going on?
Is this the End Time?
Is Jesus really coming back, if so, when?
What’s the mark of the beast?
Where are we in prophecy?

Let’s just dive right into this topic that I see many people asking about. I want to kick off this blog talking about the Book of Revelation and how it applies to us today.

You are probably thinking, “Revelation is a daunting book”, (and it is). Here’s what I believe, in many ways, we make it harder than it is. Another word for The Revelation is The Apocalypse - meaning to remove the veil. So long as it is hidden - it is a mystery, but once it is revealed, and brought into the light, the doubts are gone - it becomes a revelation.

In his third lecture on the Book of Revelation, The Seven Churches, Harry Ironside tells a story of an old castle with a mysterious inner room that was locked.  No one could enter the room because of the strange lock that was on the strong door.  One day old keys were found in the castle, and one particular key exactly fit the lock, opening the door for all to see the secret inner room that had been closed for so long. He made this statement, “There, the mystery is all clear.  The lock has been opened; therefore, we have the right key.”  

Right about now, I bet you are with me, wishing he had told us what they found in the room with the locked door, because now my “ADD” has kicked in and that is all I can think about.  But I believe the main point of his story was not to peak our curiosity to the contents within a room, but to let us know there are some truths in life, that need the right key to be unlocked - in order for their true meanings to be seen.  

That is my hope for this, not to necessarily answer all of your questions, maybe some I listed already, or about Pre-Mid-Post Trib, or the identity of the Anti-Christ, If we do, that's a plus… but to rather give you the keys and the confidence, and really the desire to read the book and find the answers. Because this is the only book in the Bible that if you read it you are blessed - just for doing it.

Revelation 1:3- (NIV) “Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it…”

The blessing does not come only to those who understand it, but to those who take the time to listen to and read it

Look, there have been arguments over the timeline, symbolism, types and shadows since the book was written, and, even if we wanted to, we could not solve those in our lifetime.

But, if I can show you that it is a great book that reveals two great truths about two periods of time, maybe, just maybe you will be less afraid of it than you are right now.

So here we go, there are two time periods depicted in the text: v. 19- (NIV) “what is now and what will take place later.”

So there are things that apply to us today, Meaning not everything in Revelation is prophetic. And there are things that apply to our future. Meaning there are some things that have not happened yet.

There are also two truths, one primary and one secondary that we must have as a foundation, or a key as Henry Ironside said, to unlocking the overarching theme of the book of Revelation.

Key #1 - It is about Jesus First.

Revelation 1:1- (NIV) “The revelation of Jesus Christ…”

It is first and foremost a description of the majesty and power of Jesus - we will spend more time there in a second.

Key #2 - It is about End Times or Prophecy Second.

v.1 - “ show his servants what must soon take place.”

Everything in the prophetic, or future descriptions are designed to give information AND to bring a true revelation of who Jesus really is.

Jesus’ promised return is the hope of the church. The reason for all the creative language and insight, the imagery is to encourage the church with the hope that Jesus is coming back, and to challenge them to stay faithful in the meantime.

In this prophetic book Jesus is described as the current reigning king, the Lion of Judah, the Lamb of God, and the victorious king who will reign for eternity. 

In the light of these descriptions of our Messiah, even in the middle of chaos, we, the church, should never cower in the face of uncertainty and persecution, because I have read the back of the book and he wins! That’s the message of Revelation. So don't get lost in the timelines and the charts and the judgement and bottomless pits - they are all important to the story - but the keys - Jesus reigns and will return for his bride!

Revelation 21:4- (NIV) “He will wipe every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more death or mourning, or corona, or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” There will be tears in heaven, but they will only last until Jesus, our loving king comes and takes them all away. “What a day that will be, when my Jesus I will see.  When I look upon his face, the one who saved me by his grace.  When he takes me by the hand and leads me through that Promised Land, what a day, a glorious day that will be.”

So today's truth, one of the keys to understanding the book of Revelation, and really the entire Bible - God is in Control!  God is sovereign - completely in control. He is in complete control over what happens to humanity, the world and the universe. God is incomparable, far beyond and above any religion, government, or leader - including Satan.

Application for today:

In the onslaught of negative news from around the globe and in our own communities, we can feel powerless.  It feels like the forces of evil are winning and will triumph. Revelation shows us the opposite is true. Though Satan’s power may seem to increase, it is only for a season. God is all powerful. God is in control. He cares for you and he will always fight your battle. “The God I serve knows only how to triumph!”

David in Psalm 37 talks about the wicked being prosperous, but then he realizes a key truth in verse 23- (NIV) “The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; 24 though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand. 25 I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.  26 They are always generous and lend freely; their children will be a blessing.”

In other words - I have read the back of the book and GOD WINS!!!


  1. Is this vaccine ID the mark of the beast in your opinion? I understand that there are dark forces in the world that most people dont know about and or choose not to believe but thats not true. I have been down that road and I dont want to go back sir. I have given my life to christ. I dont want to fall into the devils trap again. I would like to have discernment and knowledge and understanding about the future events that are going to take place. So basically I am asking for your wisdom. So I can have the full armor of God when I take the devil on but this time on the right side with Jesus by my side! It is coming because it is in the bible and what God says is true! It's not a matter if but when.
    Where are we in prophecy? In your opinion? I know there are 7 years of trials and tribulations before christ comes back. But when do we know that the trial and tribulations start? Hope this isn't to much. Hope you have a great day and may God continue to bless you and your family in Jesus's name.


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