/tro͞oTH/ that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality.
I’m growing a little frustrated these days. When I was a child, you could rely on the news media to report “the facts and just the facts, Ma’am.” In the days of Walter Cronkite, et al, the news was considered a reliable source; a place we could go for factual reporting and firsthand, verified accounts. There were only three channels, after all...
However, times - they are a’ changin’. Is all news reporting reliable? Is some news reporting reliable? If you ask Fox, they are the only reliable news source. If you ask CNN, MSNBC, etc., it’s them. Yet, someone HAS to be wrong, as what they are reporting varies WILDLY. If it doesn’t vary wildly, it’s colored with so much opinion and biased nuance, the facts can barely be perceived for the smokescreen of opinion.
Here are some examples of conflicting reports, just off the top of my head:
1. Bill Gates is a great guy; a philanthropist with a heart of gold who just wants to vaccinate little children from third world countries.
-VS.- Bill Gates is the mastermind of coronavirus who is using it to push population control. His father was on the board of Planned Parenthood, after all. The vaccines are just a cover to inject the mark of the beast!
2. The coronavirus is killing thousands upon thousands of people in New York. The hospitals are overwhelmed, the morgues are piled with bodies that no one can tend to, and drones are flying overhead barking orders to separate at least 6 feet, with the Orwellian reminder, “We’re all in this together.” Cuomo 2020.
-VS- New York never was that bad. The hospital ship and Central Park tents barely had any patients. The ship has left; the tents are being taken down. Cuomo exaggerates everything.
3. The US death toll is much higher than we think! We are missing people dying at home. People are dying from the virus that aren’t being counted! Hunker down!
-VS- This thing is so overblown! Even the CDC lowered their reported deaths count. They’re cooking the books. Hospitals are being paid to classify deaths as Covid. More people die every year from the flu. Calm down!
4. Fauci is a brilliant public servant who has faithfully served throughout several administrations. He is the voice of knowledge, authority, and best practice.
-VS- Fauci is a corrupt member of the “swamp” that Trump vowed to drain. Fauci knew about the virus, but failed to do anything about it because he has stakes in big pharma. He is looking to line his own pockets on the corpses of Americans.
5. Test kits are reliable. Test kits are accurate. Everyone should get tested!
-VS- Tests are inaccurate! Tests are from China and are part of their master plan to take over America by spreading fear and panic. The President of Tanzania tested a goat and a papaya (or some other fruit, or whatever) and they tested POSITIVE! LIES!
6. The virus is naturally occurring. Apparently, the Chinese people eat BATS (have we even confirmed this??) and some poor dude in a market ate one and ~PRESTO~ a virus that’s supposed to take 800 years to mutate did it RIGHT THEN. That dude spread it to the rest of the world, and fast forward 5 months, I spent my birthday at my house. SAD.
-VS- The virus is bio-terrorism. The virus was manufactured in the lab at Wuhan (which, by the way, Fauci is an investor in). China purposely released the virus as part of the master plan to achieve world dominance. They have since been quietly calling in the loans of third world countries and taking them over. As the US economy suffers from the strain, they are buying up larger and larger stakes in US companies. This wasn’t an accident; this is the beginning of World War 3!
I could go on and on. These are all actual reports that I have heard - all presented as factual and accurate. Depending on the news source of the day, I can go from “this is about to be over” to “Armageddon, here we come” in a matter of minutes.
I don’t write this musing to really offer any answers, these are just my thoughts. We have a problem. Our country is divided. No one trusts each other. Rightly so? I don’t know. Truth is, most people don’t have time to fact check everything they see on the internet or hear on Cable. Truth is, a lot of people don’t realize that they need to - yet.
I think, unless serious revival breaks out, our country lurches further and further toward post-Christianity. As we do that, “truth” will become more and more subjective, if valued above one’s own personal preferences and opinions at all.
Ultimately, the most reliable source of truth we have is God’s word. The Bible talks about having your “loins gird about with truth.” Quora says this: “like a belt, truth keeps your clothes on. If you lie, you expose yourself to ridicule. Truth keeps you together in integrity. If your loins are prepared, you are ready for battle. In ancient times, when they wore robes, certain physical activities were limited. They would hike their robes up so movement was no longer impaired.”
In my opinion, I think our best choice is to filter everything we read, hear, and think, through the Word of God. Does it line up? Truth. Does it contradict? False. Fact check and look for primary sources, but base your life on God’s truth, filter everything through God’s truth, and work to spread God’s truth. Pray against deception. Pray that truth would be revealed, and be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Pray for our country and our leaders. Pray for everyone in authority. Pray for wisdom and discernment for God’s people.
We need Him and His truth like never before. God bless America.
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