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Showing posts from 2019

Who's You One?

Cross Equals Love Who’s Your One? Who is your one?  As you read this blog, I want you to be thinking and praying for the one person you want to see have an Encounter with Jesus for themselves.  I am partnering with you, I have my one that I am praying for and believing God will bring him and have an amazing encounter with him this Easter. Why One?  Luke 15 begins with three back to back stories by Jesus – Parables, as we call them in church.  All three center around the same theme – Lost and Found.  The last one begins in verse 11 – is about a  Lost Son , or The Parodical Son. It is an amazing story of a son who left home under bad circumstances, and a father who just would not give up.  Just like our Heavenly father today. He never stops looking and waiting for his son to return. The second is the  Lost Coin . ( vv. 8-10 ). A lady loses a coin – must have been pretty substantial for her.  We know this because she cleans the entire house and searches until she find it –

Palm Sunday - Cross Equals Love

Palm Sunday! The day when the crowds of people shouted in the streets, laid down palm branches, and called Jesus the Messiah.   We see the story played out in the Gospel of John.     in   John 12:12 - “ The next day the great crowd that had come for the festival heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem.  13 They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Blessed is the king of Israel!” Palm Sunday! A day of victory, celebration and festival. During this single event, over about 3 days, we get some of the best soundbites from Jesus.     This was a “CNN Breaking News” frenzy:     We have people laying their coats and palm branches for him to ride in on so he didn’t even have to touch the ground.     It was like us rolling out the red carpet.     He is cursing fig trees, weeping over Jerusalem, chasing out those selling goods in the temple for personal gain, Jesus taking a whip and turning over tables…   This