I want to write about this value because, quite simply, because it is one of the most important values in my life, and the life of Encounter Church. It is the hinge pin that supports all that we do in ministry. I have to start this blog on the value of people with a story that Pastor Rick Bezet told the staff at New Life Church in Conway, AR. He said he would think so much about reaching the "next one", looking for the "next one" that he prays for God to show him the "one" that he was speaking to in every service. No matter what the venue, the size of the audience or the location, he is always looking for the "one" that God has brought to that service for him to speak to. We have an example in the Gospels in the form of a parable that Jesus told. It is the story of the lost sheep. It appears in Luke 15:4-7 . In the Message version it says, " Suppose one of you had a hundred sheep and lost one. Wouldn't you leave the nin...