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Showing posts from May, 2018

Real Community

A few years ago I preached a series on the book of James, and I was challenged by one thought that he brings out more than most.    In  James 3:17-18 , the Message version says, “ Real wisdom, God’s wisdom, begins with a holy life and is characterized by getting along with others. It is gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and blessings, not hot one day and cold the next, not two-faced. You can develop a healthy, robust community that lives right with God and enjoy its results  only if you do the hard work of getting along with each other, treating each other with dignity and honor.” We have our mission in ministry as “Being a Real Church taking the Real Jesus to Real People”.   This authenticity and transparency is rooted in maturity, specifically, "spiritual maturity."  That is a phrase that is very common in churches today.    Andy Stanley made it popular a few years ago and it has been the rallying cry of spiritual ...

Something Stinks

In   John 11  there is a story about a man named Lazarus. He was a man that was a dear friend of Jesus, but one day he died. Jesus, hearing that he died, stalled. He took a few days just hanging out, knowing that his friend was dead. I have some personal issues with this text, but this is not about my need for therapy, there is a very important point buried in here that God wants you to get. Verse 15 - Jesus says “I am glad I was not there when he died, so that you can believe.”  There are some things in our lives that have died. Important things, things that meant a lot to us. Our dreams, our passions, our direction. These things have died on purpose. I need to say that again. God has ALLOWED some things to die in our lives, so that we may believe. We all have things that have died, we have buried them, walked away and stopped allowing ourselves to think what might have been. But then out of nowhere Jesus shows up and says that thing is not dead, it's just aslee...

Doing What You Love...

I was sitting in Starbucks awhile back working on this blog, making contacts with people, planning the rest of my day and just enjoying what God was doing in my life. We had just launched a new small group, Success iN Life (SNL). It was designed to help people find true, Biblical success in their lives. We talked about what true success looked like. We had a white board out and people gave words to define success. We had money, security, "Mother Theresa", but my favorite was from a gentleman who said, “Success for me is Happiness.” Wow what a statement. I believe that true success is seen in that simple word that most of us find hard to find - happiness. The true test of success in life is whether or not you are truly happy where you are. The Bible says, " the joy of the Lord is our strength ". The word joy denotes happiness. I have heard many people preach that joy and happiness are two different things, I don't thank so. I think that when you are fulfilli...

Are You Sure?

Are You Sure? We ask that question a lot. We ask it about what we are going to eat, in church in reference to our salvation, when someone says they are having a baby.  When your friend tells you they want to get married to  THAT guy – are you sure?  When you tell your pastor you are leaving your church and going to that new plant across town. When you tell your husband you feel called to kid’s ministry – Are you  really sure about that?  Pretty much any and every decision in life, we ask the question “Are You Sure?” In his blog from February 7, 2011, my friend, Pastor Mark Johnston from The Journey Church in Newark, DE wrote this about this question in relationship to a growing church: “Everybody wants their church to grow.  Until it does. Suddenly not all of us are so sure anymore.  Think about it: if you’re a member of a church and it starts to grow, you’ll probably have to: Sit somewhere new. Park further away. Inte...