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Showing posts from 2014

The Walk of Faith

I am learning a lot about this walk we call faith. Faith is sometimes this mystical thing that we talk about, but may times confuse as a noun, when in actuality it is a verb. Many people say they walk in faith, when what they are doing is walking in the faith. This faith walk requires more than just knowledge about God, it requires that we chase after God. It is getting up every day and walking where God says walk and doing what God says do. I am learning that this starts with the little things. There is an experiment in the world of theoretical physics called the Butterfly Effect. This theory states that in the perfect situation, and the right environmental conditions that if a butterfly flaps its wings of the coast of Africa it could result in a hurricane in NY. While this theory may be a little far fetched, it proves a very valuable point. Even the littlest things have great consequences. There was a scientists named Fermi', he invented the ferimeter which measures thi...

Take a Stand...

I was reading Isaiah 7 in the Message this morning in my devotion and God began to speak to me in verses 9-11. It says "...If you don't take a stand in faith, you won't have a leg to stand on." ..."Ask for a sign from your God. Ask anything. Be extravagant. Ask for the moon!" As I was reading this my insides began to come alive. God was telling me it is the season of harvest, the season for faith to be increased. He literally issued a challenge to me this morning to ask him for anything. I believe there are many of us who have sown in tears, but now is the time to bring in the harvest rejoicing. Now is the time to store up. Stand in faith, pray in faith, walk in faith, ask in faith, and give in faith. Ask for great things from your God. Stop asking for "believable" things, the things you are pretty sure God can do - meaning the things that if God does not do, you can pull off yourself. Be extravagant, over the top in your faith. Design the...

Rules - Relationships = Rebellion

Many years ago I had the privilege of hearing Bishop T.D. Jakes speak an amazing message at his Pastor’s Conference in Dallas, TX.   He talked about the three levels of leadership based on the life of Moses.   I want to use that thought as a springboard, share his three levels, and elaborate based on my own personal experience. With that said, here are the “Three Levels of Ministry” Bishop Jakes listed from the life of Moses, in his message to pastors. 1.      With the People 2.      In front of the People 3.      Above the People These three levels have been proven to be accurate and essential to understand in my ministry life.   They are non-negotiable, and they are not “jumpable” or avoidable.   Every leader wants to be above the people and able to lead with clarity and security with the view from 20,000 feet.   Or at the very least they want to be in front, after all that’s wh...

The Horrible Truth About Your Pastor (By Mark Johnston)

A ministry friend of mine, whom I have known for many years put this on his blog a few years ago and I feel to pass it on to you today. There are so many emotions I felt while reading it that I feel it is worth the hand-off to you.   Deidre and I  have  been called to minister to Pastors.  This just made that calling more real.  God bless! He’s a human being. "Yep. He worries – like you do. He puts his pants on (or she puts her pants on – or her skirt… or, well, you get the picture) one leg at a time… just like you do. He gets overwhelmed… just like you do. He feels pressured sometimes. Fifty years ago, he would’ve been a success if he helped people grow close to God. Today, to be a “success” he needs the gift-set of a CEO. He’s supposed to keep attendance and finances on a steadily upward trajectory, speak with a remarkable blend of hipness/diplomacy/skill/humor/passion/anointing, smile constantly, maintain a blog, twitter, network, write a book,...

Three Things I'v Learned about Walking by Faith...

Three things I have learned about walking by faith… Daniel 3:16-18 (NIV) Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter.   If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king.  But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” I you have spent any time at all in church as a kid you probably have heard the story of the three Hebrew boys and the fiery furnace.   If not, lee me recap, there are three boys, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego (not their real names – long story for another time…)   Anyway, these boys have been commanded, along with the rest of the Babylonian Empire, to boy down and worship an idol that was made by the King, Nebuchadnezzar.   As you read above in The Message version of the Bible, the...